Club Notices

Summary and Results of the 77th Annual General Meeting

As of 7pm Thursday, 7 March 2024 the Club had an attendance of 9 members made up of 6 CPPM and 3 Charter Members which is below the number required to form a quorum as per Rule 36(d).

Resolutions Submitted for 77th Annual General Meeting
No resolutions were received as at 7pm, 28 February 2024.

As of 7pm and 7.15pm on Thursday, 7 March 2024, there was no quorum achieved at the 77th Annual General Meeting. However as per Rule 36(d), the meeting was further adjourned and proceeded with a qualified quorum with 11 CPPM and 3 Charter Members.

The following businesses at the 77th Annual General Meeting were approved and adopted:

1. The minutes of the 76th Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2023.
2. The reports received of the Committee.
3. The Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
4. The appointment of KBH Integra PAC, Auditors for the year 2024.
5. (a) In accordance with Rule 37(a) iii of the Constitution, the Committee members were elected unopposed;
(b) In accordance with Rule 33(a) of the Constitution, the Trustee Group was elected unopposed;
6. There was 1 nomination received for Charter Polo Playing Member in accordance with Rule 11.
7. There was no resolution received and hence, there was no resolution considered and or voted upon in accordance with Rule 37(a) v.

Committee of 2024/2025 Elected Unopposed

Khong Kin Hoong, Lawrence

Vice President
Hogberg Fred Rickard Robin William

Polo Captain
Satinder Garcha Singh

Honorary Secretary
Masefield Stephanie Frances

Honorary Treasurer
Chua Sheng Jie, Daniel

Committee Members
Peggy Yeo
Federico Vescovi
Leon Chu
Lee Joo Bae

Trustee Group Members of 2024/2025 Elected Unopposed
John Wong Teck Fong
Tan Hock
Loh Kim Chah
Ang Ban Tong

In accordance with Rule 11 of the Club's Constitution, Lee Joo Bae was voted in as a Charter Polo Playing Member with 94.1% votes for.

Click here to view the results.

Honorary Secretary

Notice of 77th Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Polo Club on Thursday, 7 March 2024

In accordance with Rule 37a (iii) of the Club's Constitution, the following nominations were received for election to the Committee as at 7pm, 28 February 2024:

Khong Kin Hoong, Lawrence

Vice President
Hogberg Fred Rickard Robin William

Polo Captain
Garcha Satinder Singh

Honorary Secretary
Masefield Stephanie Frances

Honorary Treasurer
Chua Sheng Jie, Daniel

Committee Members
Peggy Yeo
Federico Vescovi
Leon Chu
Lee Joo Bae

Click here to view the nomination forms.

In accordance with Rule 33a of the Club's Constitution, the following nominations were received for election of a Trustee Group as at 7pm, 28 February 2024:

John Wong Teck Fong
Tan Hock
Loh Kim Chah
Ang Ban Tong

Click here to view the nomination forms.

In accordance with Rule 11 of the Club's Constitution, the following nomination was received for consideration and to be voted upon for Charter Polo Playing Members as at 7pm, 21 February 2024:

Lee Joo Bae

Click here to view the nominee.

Resolutions for 77th Annual General Meeting
No resolutions were received as at 7pm, 28 February 2024.

Rule 36(d): At a General Meeting fifty Voting Members or ten per cent of the Voting Membership, which ever shall be the less, shall form a quorum provided that a minimum of ten shall be Charter Polo Playing Members. If after fifteen minutes from the time appointed for the meeting or if at any time after commencement of the Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if convened by a requisition of Members, shall be dissolved and, in any other case, shall stand adjourned for a period of 30 minutes and thereafter if a quorum shall not be present those Charter Polo Playing Members present provided they be not less than ten in number shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the Meeting was called; provided that no business shall be transacted other than the business that was unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place, and provided further that the Members present shall have no power to alter, repeal or make additions to any of the existing Rules; except if a full quorum is present.

Honorary Secretary

Annual Report And Statement Of Accounts 2023

The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2023 is now available.

Click here to view the copy.

Honorary Secretary

77th Annual General Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given that the 77th Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Polo Club will be held at the Clubhouse on Thursday, 7 March 2024 at 7pm. (Registration commences at 6.30pm).

The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2023 will be circulated as soon as they are ready.

Click here for the AGM Notice & Agenda.

Click here for the Standing Order.

Click herefor the Minutes of the 76th Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2023.

Click here for the Attendance List of the 76th Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2023.

Honorary Secretary